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Add "restart into" option to GNOME 3.36 / Ubuntu 20.04

July 15, 2021

I recently hacked together a GNOME shell extension to allow selecting an alternate operating system when rebooting, so I don't have to wait around for the system boot menu to appear. And because I wanted to learn how GNOME shell extensions work.

Restart dialog


  1. Download the extension and extract it to ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/
  2. Restart GNOME by pressing Alt+F2, then typing r.
  3. Activate the "Restart into..." extension in the GNOME settings.
  4. Open the extension's settings and choose your secondary boot entry, and enter the text that should appear on the button.

Restart dialog


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Anthony Blanthony 

Anthony Blanthony

June 18, 2023 2:27AM

Huh, nobody here? Too bad I don't have anything of meaningful substance to say, at least yet. I can't understand half the stuff on here, although I bet it's some quality stuff. Well, it would be. If I could understand it. Which I don't. I mean, it's not that this is all confusing wizard stuff or something, I get the general gist of it. It's more of a me problem, you know? Well, keep up the good work, if you're alive. For all I know you've been dead for the past 2 years (or longer, if you just so happen to be a reanimated skeleton or the like). Ok, get on with life now. Or death.


August 24, 2024 9:51AM

I tried the extension, and it isnt working for me i cannot add anything to "Secondary Boot Menu Entry"
I'm using Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS dual booted with Windows 11 23H2
I really need that functionality your extension provides, i have been looking for something like it since months