[bgreco.net]: PS C:\> Format-Rainbow

Admit it. While the command line can be really useful, it can also be a bit boring. Here's a function to make your PowerShelling a bit more interesting. Because honestly, which of the following would you rather look at all day?

Single-color PowerShell output

Rainbow-color PowerShell output

I know which I'd choose.

function Format-Rainbow([switch] $Random) {
	$colors = 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
	$i = 0
	$input | Out-String -Stream | % {
		$chars = $_.TrimEnd() -split ''
		foreach($char in $chars) {
			if($random) {
				$color = Get-Random $colors
			} else {
				$color = $colors[$i % $colors.Length]
			Write-Host -ForegroundColor $color $char -NoNewline